Blog – 21 Lessons learnt from Loss

Grief – The price you pay for Love

Day 5 of 21

05 May 2022

What is Grief?
Having read so many books about loss, the most beautiful thing I read about grief was
“Grief is the price you pay for love!”
I resonate with this fully and for me, it is the price which I have paid and will pay forever. The price of loving a Mother so dearly and receiving unconditional love from her.

Grief is something that comes and goes but with you, after a loss, for the rest your life.

For me, this is a summary of what grief is:
Greatest Love
Remembering You
In my Heart

What does grief look like for you? Please feel free the leave a comment below.

2 Replies to “Blog – 21 Lessons learnt from Loss”

  1. Thank you Nina ben for sharing your blog and journey. Beautiful words and lessons for everyone to follow and respect. I am grateful for foi’s love and kindness,. You are continuing your mums legacy in so many ways. I truly admire how you are able to share your gifts with all of us. Thank you ❤️

    1. Dear Trupti,
      Thank you for leaving a note and for your kind words. I am grateful for having the strength to share and I know it all comes from her.
      Love, Nina❤️🙏

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