Blog – 21 Lessons learnt from Loss

Lessons learnt since you left

Day 1 of 21

01 May 2022

Seven years ago this month, you left this world. Without any warning or goodbye, your physical presence vanished before our eyes . The shock, sadness and emptiness still haunts us. We accept, on the day you left, a huge part of us left with you. For us life has changed, We changed.

We hold you at the heart of everything we do and have learnt to live our lives around our grief. Your life was a gift and your loss has taught us so much about life.

Over the next 21 days I will be sharing some of the biggest lessons which I have learnt since I lost my mum seven years ago. I hope that this brings some hope and comfort to anyone who has experienced loss.

Please use this as an opportunity to share your own experience on grief in the comments below.

2 Replies to “Blog – 21 Lessons learnt from Loss”

  1. Thank you Nina ben for sharing your blog and journey. Beautiful words and lessons for everyone to follow and respect. I am grateful for foi’s love and kindness,. You are continuing your mums legacy in so many ways. I truly admire how you are able to share your gifts with all of us. Thank you ❤️

    1. Dear Trupti,
      Thank you for leaving a note and for your kind words. I am grateful for having the strength to share and I know it all comes from her.
      Love, Nina❤️🙏

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