Blog – 21 Lessons learnt from Loss

Happiness is a choice

Day 12 of 21

12 May 2022

Despite having many challenges in her life, our mum chose to be happy. This did not serve her all of the time, however it did majority of the time. She emanated positively and love and would often get a random hello and smiles from strangers. Her energy and positively were so infectious that people would love to be around her.

Even now, friends and family members would speak with great regard and whilst sharing their memories of her, they would be smiling.

True happiness cannot be bought or given. Happiness is a place that one finds on their own, a place where there is no expectations or agendas.

I see many people searching for happiness.

What makes people happy?

“A new house”

“A partner”

“A new car”

“New clothes”


But what happens when the new house gets old or when the new clothes get worn. Will they still bring you the same happiness that they once did? Was it true happiness to being with.

I have learnt that the only person who can give you happiness is yourself. If you can find this special place within yourself, you are more likely to have a more peaceful, content and happy life.

2 Replies to “Blog – 21 Lessons learnt from Loss”

  1. Thank you Nina ben for sharing your blog and journey. Beautiful words and lessons for everyone to follow and respect. I am grateful for foi’s love and kindness,. You are continuing your mums legacy in so many ways. I truly admire how you are able to share your gifts with all of us. Thank you ❤️

    1. Dear Trupti,
      Thank you for leaving a note and for your kind words. I am grateful for having the strength to share and I know it all comes from her.
      Love, Nina❤️🙏

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