Reiki for Children

Reiki for Children

Many people believe that Reiki is only for adults. In fact, Reiki can be used for everyone, including; infants, toddlers, teenagers, young people, adults, plants and animals. Reiki can help children with many aspects of their lives including feeling calmer and more peaceful from stress and anxiety. It can also help children to improve their focus which can help them to perform better at school

Benefits of Reiki with Children

Children receiving Reiki will instantly feel a sense of calmness which will help promote their relaxation and confidence. By experiencing this from a young age, it will show a child a healthy way of living and enable them to make better choices in their lifetime.

During a Reiki session, a child will experience healing and comfort for where they need it the most. Here are some of the benefits:

  • For children suffering from stress and anxiety, they will feel an enhance sense of calmness and promote a feeling of inner peace
  • Reiki will improve or enhance a child’s sleep and relaxation
  • Improves focus and concentration in class and when taking test
  • Manages hyperactivity and self regulation
  • Increases a child’s positivity
  • Helps children positively manage their emotions
  • Could help increase a child’s appetite

Is Reiki safe for Children

Yes absolutely! Reiki is non invasive and completely safe. Reiki can be given to a child in person or sent to a child via distance healing. The benefits of distance healing is that a child can be sent healing when they are asleep, which is really useful as some children may find it hard to lay still.