Benefits of Meditation
Reiki will certainly leave you feeling more relaxed and more energetic. But what can you do yourself to maintain this relaxed state of being?
Where prayer is the act of talking with the Divine, meditation is the act of listening and truly hearing what the divine has to share with us.
Meditating on a regular basis will assist you to achieve this and if done daily over a medium to long time, it will help to create a quite mind and listening to the sound of silence. This will give you the power to be more in control of your thoughts and emotions making it easier to achieve your desires and dreams. Individuals who practice meditation throughout their life will have a very positive outlook to life, and will be happy and content and often an inspiration to others.
Meditation – How and when?
There is no specific time of day when mediation should be performed. Often, meditation is seen to be something where one sits in silence for a long period of time. If you are new to mediation, this may seem like a lengthy task. Why not try to sit in silence for just five minutes? If you are able to sit and clear your thoughts just for a short space of time, this is progress. Once you have achieved this, challenge yourself to do it for a little longer next time.
Meditation can be done in specific sacred place or it can also be done spontaneously. Activities when spontaneous meditations often occur are while brushing your teeth, in the shower, hiking, running, washing the dishes and mowing the lawn.
Start with tea!
Why not start with a cup of tea! While you drink your tea, give yourself permission to have a clear mind, avoid any distractions, turn the TV off, put your phone away and really enjoy each sip of your tea. Experience all the flavours and just focus on the present moment.
Well done – you have just taken part in a spontaneous meditation activity. Now, can you do this every day?