Blog – 21 Lessons learnt from Loss

I wish I knew……

Day 20 of 21

20 May 2022

“I wish I knew today was the last time I would see you

I wish I knew today was the last time I would feel you

I wish I knew today was the last time I would hug you

I wish I knew today was the last time I would hear you

Because if I knew, I would have held you tighter,

 heard you louder,

 spoke with you endlessly

and I would have never let you go.” By ReiJyotKi

Seven years ago today, was the last time I saw my mum.

Her beautiful smile and love welcomed me as I visited her. She was well and happy. She made lunch and we ate together. I had no idea that was the last time I would eat with her. I had no idea that was the last time she would make me food. I had no idea that was our last ever conversation together. I just had no idea.

We take so much for granted in life. I had no idea that these encounters with my mum were my last. I wish I knew. It has made me realise the preciousness of time and the value of spending and making time for those who are important in life. As you never know, you may never get another chance.

2 Replies to “Blog – 21 Lessons learnt from Loss”

  1. Thank you Nina ben for sharing your blog and journey. Beautiful words and lessons for everyone to follow and respect. I am grateful for foi’s love and kindness,. You are continuing your mums legacy in so many ways. I truly admire how you are able to share your gifts with all of us. Thank you ❤️

    1. Dear Trupti,
      Thank you for leaving a note and for your kind words. I am grateful for having the strength to share and I know it all comes from her.
      Love, Nina❤️🙏

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