Have you ever felt like you are “Carrying the weight of the world?”
If so, you may experience physical symptoms such as pain and your energy may feel heavy. You may also feel unwell and uninterested in carrying out normal day to day tasks. You might have a desire to do fun things and want to feel more energetic but for some reason something stops you. But why do you feel this way?
It is very likely that you are carrying around a lot of emotions with you which weighs you down preventing you to enjoy your life in the way you want to.
The powerful energy of Reiki allows for these blockages to be released and healed, leaving you feeling relaxed and energetic.
Dedicated to a beautiful Mother

The grief of losing a loved one never leaves you but the choice on how you deal with grief is up to you. For me, it has been a rollercoaster of emotions but with a strong belief that this beautiful bond of love which is created on earth between people continues beyond life.
With faith and hope, I continue to give and offer healing to those in need and believe that the loving energy of my mother and the energy of other people’s loved ones touches those I heal by offering them peace, love, healing and happiness.